Living Prayer CD


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Living Prayer CD By Kelly Howell
* Discover the prayers that reside within you * Forgive the past * Heal your life * Generate grace and blessings
Prayer is real. It’s a living energy that can transform your life and those around you. In Living Prayer, Theta waves are harmonically layered in exquisite music that guides you into the reverent states of meditation where prayers are heard and answered. Entering your own sacred healing sanctuary, you are guided to heal the past, release negativity, and open to a new, positive reality that will generate grace and blessings in your daily life. Your heart will open to greater joy that will touch everyone around you. Best of all, you’ll come to know that you’re never alone – you’re guided and protected always.
More BenefitsFeelings of wholeness and well-being. Oneness with the cosmos. Timelessness. Vivid imagery. Higher creativity. Greater clarity of thought, increased creativity, more peaceful states of mind, enhanced ability to concentrate.
Living Prayer – Harmonically Layered Frequencies on this program:

Weight 100 kg