Book Blaster Newsletter 15

I felt total connection, oneness and peace!

We have received hundreds of letters and completed questionnaires from delighted Sedona Method CD set owners from around the UK.
One respondent, Helen Wingrave, an actress who has appeared in the recent series the Cops on ITV has had remarkable results. Here’s her story…
For years I have been into spiritual development, healing, personal growth and have certainly made progress but the Sedona Method is a short cut. Months of affirming, visualising, meditating, painful change has reaped results but the Sedona Method is painless, quick and instant. It makes me smile a lot, I feel the method is that missing formula that really could change the world – and then again, the world is fine just as it is!
the Releases have been profound, funny and sometimes unnoticeable, but always remarkable!

Creating money
I felt I had to book a place for Hale’s seminar. the Sedona Method has been such a breakthrough for me even though I only listen to one CD per day.
Two days ago I was in a definite place of lust I want it now. I spent 48 hours racking my brain as to how I might raise £300. Even if I pay in installments, I’ll have to find £300 to cover it, and we have no regular income or savings at the moment.
Two days of worry then it occurred to me to Release. I Released fully on wanting the seminar place for about half an hour until I had reached that ‘hootless’ stage where I wasn’t bothered either way. Just 40 minutes after I had finished Releasing, my bank phoned me offering me a loan, no application, all I had to say was ‘yes’.
The second post that day brought a cheque for £70 from a friend who had borrowed the money nine years ago and now lives in Canada!
Two days later I was offered the job I had auditioned for a week ago. Although it wasn’t a huge role, it was more than enough to pay for Hale’s UK seminar.
Today, for only the second time in my life I felt total connection, oneness, peace. All because I wasn’t looking for it!
Awaiting my train back to Manchester at the end of day 2 of the Sedona Method seminar, I was simply part of everything – the trees, the railway line, my fellow travellers, the ticket in my hand and within the same moment I was separate too. All because I let go of wanting to be part of the past or the future. I was wholly at peace in the moment I released on that and three hours later I was still smiling the same smile.
the other notable gains the Method has enabled me to experience and Release are firstly the need for my mother’s approval. I realise everything I have ever done in my adolescence and adult life had been locked into this aim.
I Released for about 15 minutes a month ago and now I have a new best friend!
We have fun together because I don’t need anything from her now.
When I got back to Manchester from the second day of the seminar, crossed wires of communication meant I had no lift home. It seemed my mum, for whatever reason, had not told my in-laws what time to collect me from the railway station. Ordinarily, I would have started to panic, phoned my mum and we’d have gone right back into our demanding one another’s approval power games. I Released ‘spontaneously’ and there was no blame, just what is. I jumped into a cab and that was that!
Since I discovered Releasing I feel very accepting about my personal goals, whether I achieve them or not.
Last night I had a glimpse of peace, acceptance then peace. I was sitting on the sofa, breast-feeding my son who was all cosy and content and my husband was watching the football on TV. In that moment I had everything I had ever needed, there wasn’t anything I was deficient of or lacking in, £10 million in the bank could not have enriched that moment. I was not thinking about yesterday or tomorrow, I was there, that moment was priceless.
Thank you LifeTools, Chris and dear Hale.

“I noticed a difference after listening to just one CD!”

Caroline Westgate from Suffolk told us recently about a great breakthrough that she’s had using the Sedona Method.
Having been a sufferer of a social phobia since 1985 following a nervous breakdown, I found that because of my fears, my world was gradually closing in tighter and tighter around me. Despite treatment on the NHS, private therapy, self-help regimes, all of which helped to alleviate the suffering temporarily no doubt, I was still very, very restricted in day to day living.
I had tried everything to no avail and began to even accept the fact that I would always be stuck then I tried the Sedona Method CDs. After listening to them just once, I noticed a difference and began to realise that my avoidance of so many things boiled down to the fact that I was constantly seeking approval.
I listened to the CDs again and focused on the ones from the set that I most needed. On that Sunday afternoon I walked out to my local shops and normally I would suffer severe cramping in my legs due to muscle tension, a ‘stabbing’ sensation of fear running through me like a knife and an intense fear of meeting and having to converse with anyone.
To my amazement, there was virtually no muscle tension in my legs, the ‘stabbing’ sensation of fear had lessened quite considerably and I noticed a substantial difference where the wanting approval was concerned. I’ve still only had the CDs a very short while, but I’m so excited!
Thank you so much for sending me the mailing. If ever anybody is considering buying the CDs but unsure as to whether to or not I would be more than happy for you to give them my number: 07885 441028, I would love to speak with them of my experiences with the Method.

“So relaxed, I was snoring”

David Clemo from South Glamorgan contacted LifeTools recently to tell us how amazingly relaxing he found using the MindLab Orion.
I ordered the MindLab Orion and immediately tried the ‘Release the day’ session.
As I sat back and just let the MindLab do all the work, I noticed how incredibly relaxed I was starting to feel.
After a couple of weeks, something amazing happened. I was using the relaxation sessions when I noticed a noise,What could it be?, I thought. then after a couple of minutes I realised, it was me, I was snoring!
How amazing, to be awake and aware of what was going on, yet to be that physically relaxed.
Thanks LifeTools.

Stupendous, exhilarating, inspirational, beautiful, but really no words can ever do it justice

Ian Summers from Sunbury on Thames has had incredible experiences with his MindLab Orion…
Since purchasing the Orion about eight months ago, I have used it on and off for the past three months as you will understand, as with all new toys, the novelty soon wears off.
However, over the past couple of weeks I have been under considerable stress and decided to renew my interest in my mind machine, this time actually bothering to read and study the enclosed literature (ie writing up a travel plan, filling a daily log) which arrived with my MindLab.
So, on Tuesday evening at approximately midnight, while in bed, I started my MindLab Orion on session 15, listening to my Revitalyzer CD which came with the pack of goodies that I received with my purchase.
The following morning I was in a state of spiritual wonderment, my mind was working overtime. That night I had previously witnessed the most lucid dream I have ever encountered and it was as if everything was in focus now, not just my job, but my entire life, and the remarkable changes I needed to make. I simply had all the answers.
I was so excited that I started to make notes on the nearest thing to me which was an envelope. When I had finished I decided to use the Mental Focus in Minutes CD with session 17: Visualisation.
This was the greatest trip of my life and I wish to state that this is no understatement. the following words were how I describe the experience: spiritual (and I am a Christian), stupendous, exhilarating, inspirational, beautiful, but really no words can ever do it justice.
The pictures were so vivid and relaxing, I was floating (which I have never experienced before using the Orion). there were angel-like beings floating in front of me, touching my face and I could really feel them touching.
If I was asked honestly to give marks out of 10 for the MindLab Orion I would have to give it 11.
I am an engineer/building surveyor by profession, so I am regarded as quite analytical and I suppose when I first received the Orion I expected everything to happen at once. Of course, when it didn’t, I rationalised that it was too good to be true.
However, over time I have learnt to Release, using the Sedona Method and my analytical tendency has been told by my subconscious to be quiet!
I am now saving for the PhotoReading course as I need to digest quite a lot of information in my job and also because I am extremely lazy and I would prefer to PhotoRead.
I will end now so I don’t miss the post, and anyway I need to return to my Orion as my cranial hard drive needs upgrading!

“Alpha-Stim improves sleep patterns for Sky TV presenter”
Patricia Ford from Twickenham works as a presenter for Sky TV. We recently loaned her an Alpha-Stim SCS for a TV feature that she was considering. What appealed to Patricia was that all she had to do was attach two ear clips and then carry on as normal for 20 minutes while the device did its work. Here’s what she had to say about it…
Dear LifeTools,
Thank-you so much for the loan of the Alpha-Stim SCS. Life has been very stressful recently and I found that using the Alpha-Stim was an excellent way of reducing my stress level.
Although my sleep pattern has improved using the Alpha-Stim, I still feel that I have some way to go with it.
However, it has helped me cope with the pressures of everyday life and to be able to ‘stand away’ from problems, which would normally make me feel very low.
The AlphaStim SCS has really helped reduce my stress levels for the last few weeks.
Regards and once again thanks.

“My wife was surprised that I could answer all the questions correctly”
Dr George Chryssides is a Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies at the University of Wolverhampton who has had “remarkable results” with PhotoReading.
When I first went to university as a fresher, students met their ‘Advisor of Studies’ at the beginning of the summer before their term started.
He was a formidable man in a three-piece suit, and inspired confidence that what he said must be right. Having ascertained that one of my subjects was to be economics, he advised me to read a large 600-page tome over the summer. After the meeting I worked out how many pages I needed to read every day, to discover the depressing truth that 40 pages a day would be needed to get through it all.
I struggled: not only did this amount of reading demand a huge time investment, which quite spoilt my summer, but frankly the book was incomprehensible, and I failed my economics exam a year later! Fortunately, I found alternative subjects that were more my bent, but I was still a slow reader, and until I discovered Photo-Reading, a substantial book could take a week or more to complete. I once tried speed-reading, but found myself getting obsessed with rapidity at the expense of comprehension.
The fact that PhotoReading offered a different approach, with ambitious claims, and with a money-back guarantee meant that I couldn’t lose! It had to be worth a try. I chose a period when work was somewhat more flexible than usual the weeks between semesters when there were no students to teach, and when there was more opportunity to get ahead and develop new skills. I invested half an hour daily, listening to the CDs and doing the exercises faithfully. the results were surprising: to test out my degree of achievement, I PhotoRead a new book on the Dead Sea Scrolls. It took me an hour and a half, and my wife asked me quite detailed questions about it to check my level of comprehension. She was quite surprised that I could answer them all correctly.
Teaching in a university, there is a great deal to read in order to keep up with one’s subject, not to mention student essays and administrative paperwork. However, PhotoReading has spin-offs too for student learning. I suggest to my students that they define their aims, formulate questions, identify key words and acquire an overview of topics before commencing reading or even before listening to a lecturer. It does wonders for the learning process.
When I have told friends about PhotoReading they sometimes say, you don’t read books properly then?. Not at all, I reply. If one’s notion of reading books is listening to each word sequentially in one’s head, without necessarily understanding it, then that is certainly not what I do. But if proper reading is quick, effective reading with good comprehension and recall, then that is what PhotoReading achieves. the techniques may be unconventional, but they certainly achieve remarkable results.

“My reading is now 20 times more productive”

Simon Smith from Chiswick told us how PhotoReading helped him to write a book…
I thought I ought to tell you about my great experience with PhotoReading.
I purchased the course in mid-September, even though this was a busy time because I was about to get married. I wondered what material to use for practising PhotoReading.
I work as a change management consultant, so I decided this would be a good opportunity to catch up on reading about leadership and management.
I started the course and took it slowly at first, because I had so much else to do. I even took some of it on my honeymoon with me, and spent an hour a day with some books.
When I returned, I decided to accelerate the pace, working through the course and spending time each day with some fairly dry and heavy material. By the end of October, I had covered over 30 books on leadership and management, spanning from the mid 1970s to the current day. I mind mapped each book, and therefore had an excellent record of each.
the ability to cover this material thoroughly and quickly was remarkable, but it turned out not to be the most important part. What was more important was the effect of the synoptic reading. I realised that the leadership and management thinking and literature missed a vital element which I could provide, because I have psychological as well as business experience.
By early December I had written a short, practical book on this subject. I sent it to seven publishers and three showed initial interest, so I am optimistic that the book will be published. I had not thought of writing a book, but the effect of the synoptic reading enabled me to see clearly the gap in the market and the relevance of my own knowledge and experience.
Since then, I have undertaken further reading projects and written two papers for clients which survey what has been written on certain subjects and draw some conclusions. I would not have been able to do this without the benefit of PhotoReading.
I strongly recommend PhotoReading to anyone for whom reading non-fiction materials is necessary. My reading time is at least 20 times as productive as it used to be.
My experience of PhotoReading may not have been text book style, but what is most important for me is the frame of mind with which I approach the books. I see it like a website; I can look for the headlines, and if I want to, click again for a deeper level of detail, and again.
the discipline of mind-mapping is also important. It organises my thoughts and provides me with a good reminder system. the overall effect of PhotoReading has been remarkable for me.

“Audience member thought I had a computer in my head!”

Shahid Akmal from South Harrow shows how PhotoReading can be a marvellous tool for helping with presentations and the inevitable ‘difficult’ questions that can follow…
When the mailing for the PhotoReading seminar came through the post, I looked at it and put it to one side. That evening, I discussed it with my lovely wife, Saemah. I told her that deep down I felt that PhotoReading was good and would work for me. She immediately backed my hunch and told me to go for it. With great trepidation, I booked the seminar. I arrived at the seminar feeling a little apprehensive. Paul Scheele was great everything all the material had said he would be. When I went home that night, doubts started to enter my mind: Is it worth it?, Is it working?. So before going to bed, I indulged in the dictionary game with Saemeh and got 6 out of 7 words spot on!
I felt really encouraged by this and I went to the second day with more hope. It was better but something was still not right. I was not concentrating: my mind was constantly distracted by the fact that on the Friday evening, I was due to be addressing the topic ‘Easter A Christian and Muslim Point of View’. What was more disconcerting was that I was actually up against a Reverend who would be putting forward the Christian perspective.
So, at lunchtime, I raised this with Paul Scheele. He said that I should PhotoRead my material before going to bed, and believe in the process.
That evening I came home, sat down and wrote my speech ‘in case the PhotoReading doesn’t work’, I thought. Before going to bed, I PhotoRead the speech, and the two books that I had used for my research.
the next day was the day of the symposium and the last day of the seminar, I tried to recall my speech on the way to the seminar and it was all there!
I entered the seminar hall on a wave of high emotion and positive feeling.
I spoke to Paul Scheele again and chatted about it to my success team and made myself believe that it was going to work. the seminar ended and I was on my way.
I arrived at the symposium venue feeling nervous, tense and confused.
the Reverend spoke first, and to my amazement, I found that I was rebutting his arguments in my mind as he spoke! then it was my turn to speak, I walked to the lectern, took a sip of water, and to my horror, my mind went blank. I took out my notes and started my presentation. It went well, and as I spoke, a couple of times, points that were not part of my written speech came in to my mind.
the first question was directed to me, and after I had answered it, on my way back to the chair, I suddenly realised Wow! what a great answer. I had quoted from the Holy Qur’aan as well as the Holy Bible to substantiate my response without having access to either of the Holy Books! This pattern lasted for the rest of the session and it is here that I realised the potency of PhotoReading. I had previously been consciously trying to recall material, but when it flowed from the subconscious spontaneously, it had the most impact and was most powerful.
After it had all finished, the chairman, a close friend, remarked:I didn’t realise you knew your stuff so well’. A member of the audience said, You’ll do your teacher proud if you carry on like that, while another asked,have you got a computer up there in your head?
At home, Saemah, my wife, remarked that I had spoken with a fluency that she had not noticed before. the depth of information in my answers astounded her. For me, all the credit was due to that wonderful man Paul Scheele and his PhotoReading technique. And to Allah, of course!
Whilst all this was going on, Saemah had been approached with a request that I address the subject ‘Universal Love’ as part of the Inter Faith Millennium Invocation that Sunday.
She did not convey the message to me until Saturday evening, leaving me, at best, a few hours on Sunday morning to prepare. Of course, my usual preparation techniques went out of the window, and I PhotoRead my material.
I was recently touched to get a thank you letter from the organisers a few days later. It said: Your contribution was just right and spoke to the hearts of so many present. You made a contribution no-one will forget. Thank you for all your time. It could hardly have been bettered for the nature of the celebration. I am profoundly indebted to you.
Need I say any more?

The Sedona Method has now been superseded by a more powerful and effective method to gain freedom, the Effort Free acceptance

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